These 9 public speaking books discuss a number of methods and techniques to help you improve your public speaking skills. The books are a mix of both in-depth speaking strategy and storytelling through the difficult journey of learning to speak in public.
There are many articles on public speaking you can find online, however to really learn and understand how to improve, more detailed research needs to be conducted. That’s why these books are great, the authors have put in hundreds of hours of research so you don’t have to.
These books teach you how to speak at conferences and TED events, present at meetings, interact at networking events and much more.
Here’s our compiled list of the best public speaking books (so you don’t have to trawl through a hundred pages of reviews for the best ones!).
Most of us even those at the top struggle with public-speaking anxiety. Overcome the fear and anxiety of public speaking and improve your presentation and communication skills in this online course.